Monday, June 30, 2008

Call Me Rip

I have spent way too much time lately with this gadget. We have developed a "not so positive relationship." I really don't like this gadget anymore. On second thought ...I think.. I NEVER liked this thing. lol

Its Monday and I hope I will NOT have to use it this week !

Picture Of The Day - "The Line Up"

Who do you think is the dominant dog?



Miss Elly

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Special Day

My cousin Matt , a member of the 680th Engineer Company based in Canandaigua ,NY will returning home today after a ten month deployment. Matt has a special welcome home gift . Meet Kaitlyn Rae. She was born in May. Along with his wife Jen , son Shane, and the rest of the family... memories will be made.

So, for every family member waiting, thinking, and praying ...Its almost over. I will still continue my vigil for those who have yet to returned or may never.
A Huge celebration is planned. I will take my camera and share some moments.This is for every member of 680th Engineer Company......

Welcome Home!!!
We are Proud of You!!!

Picture of the Day

Miss Elly would like to Congratulate the Class of 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Turning Twenty Quilt Show...

You are invited to attend or participate in a Virtual Quilt Show!
Prizes ...Prizes ....Prizes.....Prizes

Do you have one of these.. or ..time to make one?

If the Answer is YES !

Please visit Here for show Details

Picture Of The Day

Please make Miss Elly happy and leave a Comment !

Am I Pretty?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Race is On......

Tuesday morning, I watched this bunny running all over the front yard. Then.. I realized he was being chased by a squirrel. This went on for about ten minutes. I kept saying, "go bunny go!" followed by "Do NOT eat my carnations." All is well. He was not interested in my flowers.

Quilting / Sewing News

I am always up for a healthy competition. The former basketball player in me, I think. I have signed up for this challenge. Maybe, its just what I need to finish some UFOs. I am not really in competition with others. Its all me vs me. I will be a cheerleader for others. I would have never made the Cheer Leading Squad. ( I am no ballerina) I am a klutz. Truly, I am.

Picture of the Day

All of this competition has made Miss Elly very tired...poor Elly.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Change = New Opportunity

This is our wedding August, 1996. Its a sample of what my little home based business use to do.( I made all of these in about 3-4 weeks.) Young and dumb, I think. I loved being a part of one of someones most "Special Day." I can no longer compete with those ninety-nine dollar racks.
Most of my work originated from pictures or drawings. If my customer could draw it...I could make it. If I could draw ...I would be a Designer. I can draw a very nice stick figure. LOL!!!
Notice the flower girls. Those are my babies. (A second marriage for Hubby and I) They were sooo little.
Back to my plan. I think after too much thought, agony ,and tears I am going to teach sewing/quilting to others. I will still do simple stuff (hemming,curtains...etc). I love to teach others. I get GREAT satisfaction watching others accomplish something they thought they could "Not Do." I think quilting / sewing lessons are too expensive. I can do this out of my home. I don't have to leave = cheaper prices. I may work part time or volunteer somewhere in the fall.( I must use that degree that should be in the mail any day now..) be patient Lori ! I say to myself. Come on FLCC ...I am waiting. : )

Picture of the Day
Miss Elly wants to be a Therapy Dog ! She wants to visit Nursing Homes. She said so. I think she can make others smile.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

On the Edge of Change

Today, we are enjoying our last day of same old..same old. Tomorrow my hubby returns to work for the summer after retiring this past November. He is going back to the same employer. I call them "the Big Yellow Box". You know they use to make film and now have gone digital and make cameras. He is too young to be home anyway..I need to dust off my DBA and get back to work. More later, about my home based business.
To celebrate we went to the best concert ever last night! It was rock/southern country Legend Mr. Lynyrd Skynrd. The audience really was multi generational. (I love to people watch) I had alot of people to watch.

Quilting/Sewing News
Naughty me...I didn't get as much done as I wanted. *sigh* I was slow yesterday, I guess. I probably have six more blocks to put together. Maybe, I will have a top tomorrow. (lets all cross our fingers) lol

Picture of the Day

Wiggle those Ears Miss Elly !

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Beginings

Welcome to the first official full day of summer. It's a beautiful day here. yeah! I am torn between gardening and quilting. My solution......split the difference. The laundry can wait or wash itself. (now wouldn't that be remarkable) Maybe the maid will show up.(I forgot...I don't have a maid)

Quilting/ Sewing News

Today, I feel like pulling out a UFO and finish it.

Here it is.I believe its from the Quilter Cache. Maybe tomorrow it will be a completed top.

Picture of the Day

"Mitzie , pose like me."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Fantastic Friday

What is Fantastic ?
  • Birds singing
  • Trying not to be the last one done with Orange Crush ... lol
  • E mailing friends
  • Looking at my Garden

Picture of the Day

Miss Elly enjoying the Morning.

As always have a great and Happy Day !

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Awake Before The Chickens,Birds....Ect

I am always awake before most creatures.Here I am at 2pm taking a nap with Miss Elly. Good picture, I think. I always look like a dork anyway. So.. my face is covered with hair.Oh well..We love nap time or as I refer to it as our "afternoon siesta." (sp?) I didn't take Spanish. I took French. lol

To Do List

  • Continue Working on the OC

  • Work on quilt for Alycia (Quilts of Valor)

Photo of the Day

Miss Elly wants to meet "Uncle Gilly"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Orange Crush and a Few "To Dos"

Today, I am working on Orange Crush and a quilt for "Alycias Not so Top Secret Project." If you are unfamiliar with it, you can read about it Here. I am always working on two things at once. Is that weird? In my mind, it prevents Boredom.

I am also finishing a package for a quilting buddy. I must finish that today because it needs to be mailed. : o )

Picture of the Day- Miss Elly is no Help.....

I wish, I could sleep like her.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Bluesday.....

Yesterday, this child informed me she is
NO longer a freshman in highschool.
Monday was the last day of
regular classes. Regents week still needs to
be completed. ( this is my youngest)

Pictured here is my oldest, who will be wearing the cap
and gown next June.(can I scream now?) I am sad yet happy....

Picture of the Day
Miss Elly says -" Chin up Mommy"

Monday, June 16, 2008

Meet Gilly

Pictured here are my Dad and his new buddy Gilly. Jeff and I purchased him from a wonderful breeder. Gilly is five and has fathered ten beautiful pups. Gilly is ready to retire to the country.
Yesterday, without my dad knowing Mom, Dad, Jeff, and I took a "Road Trip" to pick up Gilly. My Dad is happy. He has always wanted a basset.I was determined to make that wish come true!
Now my Dad and Gilly can spend their retirement together in the country.

A Special Thank You to Janice and Billy from

No Quilting or Sewing News Today!

Pictures of the Day
Miss Elly would like to lick Dakotas cake face clean!
* yummy*

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sewin Saturday- Happy Flag Day

Today I am roped to my machine.In honor of Flag Day, I am going to finish this. I also have a pillow quilt to throw together for my husbands grandson. He is 3. Happy Birthday Dakota! (Pictures of him to come tomorrow.)

Picture of the Day
Miss Elly wishes all a Happy Flag Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fabulous Friday- the 13th?

Today, We have spent much of our time planting. Pictured at the left is Mitzie lovin on Jeff.( I think she wanted to play Ball)
As for Friday the 13th, positive thoughts are keeping bad karma away.
No sewing or quilting yet today. *sigh*

Maybe later.....I hope

Picture of the Day- I am learning to use Paint. Miss Elly is cropped out of a photo and the background was changed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

From the Garden- Peace is Found

A brief tour. Not all, just some of my garden. Be warned ....I don't like Roses.

Transplanted from backyard to front yard last week.

Newly planted Climbing Roses.

My favorite Rose Bush. A Mothers Day present 1996.

Picture of the Day - We hope you enjoyed the view.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Works for Wednesday

Today, I am going to take this fabric

and make some curtians for our window.

Jeff washed them over the weekend. (yes my

hubby does windows) I am a lucky girl ! I think I am nesting.

Here is the window:)

Picture of the Day

Waiting for the Sun to come up Miss Elly?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ironing Board Cover

Fabric (I used 100% cotton)


Small safety Pin

1/4" elastic

I used the pad as a pattern. Place pad on fabric (fabric wrong side down)

Next, add 4" all the way around and cut.

Then serge raw edge. No serger, no problem , Zig zag raw edge.

Press up 1/2 " all the way around.

Sew 1/2" seam allowance.Leave a 2" opening along one of the long sides

Using safety pin feed elastic through the casing.Try on ironing board to get the right fit. Sew elastic together and sew up the 2" left.

You can cut new batting if needed.Put back on board and enjoy. Take that extra money and treat yourself :)

Monday, June 9, 2008


Today, our photo is titled.....
I need coffee

This photo is how I feel right now. Ya gotta love a Monday. I have my ironing board cover done. I will work on a tutorial today.

Other Quilty News
Can you spare a fat quarter? If the answer is yes check out

That's all I have for now. Happy Monday to all!
**I must learn to hyperlink :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday To Do's

  • clean the house
  • Make a new ironing board cover
  • Dust and clean off shelves in sewing room
  • work on Orange Crush

This should keep me out of trouble. (maybe?)

Photo of the Day - Is this the Bathroom Line?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to two family members today! Pictured at the left is my mother in law, Carol. She is 21 today. lol I hope she has a great day!

The next birthday girl would be my sister Gail. She is the baby in our family. Gail, nice job avoiding the camera during graduation. I did manage to find a picture and scan it in. (this is a miracle) Sorry your head is cut off. I didn't take that picture. lol
Happy Birthday Ladies!!!
I would sing but, I will spare everyone!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Date Night

Monday night Jeff and I went on a date. We had a great time. We saw the Rochester Red Wings hosting the Scranton WI Yankees. I am a huge Yankee fan. It was fun to see the future. Seats were ten dollars. We were three rows behind the visitor dug out.

I consumed:
1- Footlong hotdog
1-Fried dough
1-chicken french sammi

  • Note to self- Your pilates machine is calling you ......hear it.....Huh....What????

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lunch or a Lite Dinner?

A sandwiched quilt. Ready to quilt. It was a internet download and I can't remember its name or its original creator.(shame on me) I think it was called Wavy Stars and Stripes. If you happen to know please let me know.

Now on the side you can choose from noodles or binding.I cut, and cut, and cut more noodles. Above is my closet which I wouldn't dare open before this past weekend. Its better now. At least I can open it and not be hit in the head. I must go and sort more.