Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sum it Up ..Sunday

A little joke for you math teachers !

Hooray! The Junk Sale is OVER!My sewing/quilting room is a Mess! Hubby's car is packed full..Ready to be driven to Volunteers of America or The Salvation Army. Yeah!!

Any quilting/sewing stuff was saved for a few giveaways... HERE.. for my loyal readers.See, it pays to read my boring blog. ;)LOL!

Did you see this?

DEANNA this would be the perfect time to show that Blue wedding dress...I know, subtle as a jackhammer...LOL!!

I really want to see it! Find those pictures!No pressure of course. Giggle!

Moving On...

Dog/cat bed tutorial this week. (Check Back)

What else? ( I don't know.)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL....trying to follow all your scattered thoughts---you need to get some sleep, girl!

Hope your sale was a success!!!!!! (Not saying anything about the aftermass though)