Friday, September 26, 2008

Family Foto Friday

I would call this photo :

How many dogs are on the bed?
I am sleeping like a baby. Not much bothers me.
There are 3 dogs on the bed. I think we need a king size bed. *giggle*
For more information on Family Foto Friday please visit Deborah HERE


Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Lori, Thank you for your photo...yes, you do need a king size bed.

Cute photo!

Julie said...

I guess you CAN sleep through anything!

sue14625 said...

AW and thanks for changing the color was hard to see

Sweet Woodruff said...

You can get paper dolls from Dover books. They have lots of them.

I like your family photo. We have lots of those where the dogs are in bed with us. I like the purple background a lot.