Sunday, August 29, 2010


The half -square triangle. My favorite hands down! I don't really know, why? I do love star blocks.Maybe, that's it. Let's go with that, okay?
See, I love stars. Scrappy stars even better. This block screams Fall to me, if it could talk. Hah! Hah!
 Did you see the Basset Blog?  On the right...You can click there for more of my lame humor! If, you are of the male species, do not be offended! I am only kidding....well.... half kidding...
Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

It is a gorgeous day here! Thanks Mother Nature!

Four months till X-Mas! Have you started your list, yet? I am working on mine. All done by October! That is my goal. In October, I can relax and concentrate on business donations. Quilts, doll clothes, and whatever else this seamstress dreams up.

Today, a quick trip to the post office to send out all my swaps for this month! Hooray!

Tonight, rolling back to the 80's ....again !

Survivor anyone ???

Yes, I know every word! I must have been into music or something?

See ya at Finger Lakes Race Track!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Friday!

Fall is in the air. Cooler morning ( I know this because, I get up early.) Today, I slept in till 5am. Now, I am chasing my tail. lol!
The best coffee ever, is back!! Pumpkin Spice. You can order it here . I drink it black, a simple girl.. that is me.
Here is inmate # 003 . Just kidding, I love you , Potsie! His eyes are smiling!!
Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Build me a Cabin

I do love Log Cabin Quilts. Maybe, because it was my first quilt... ever. My aunt convinced me to take a quilting class. I can blame her, right? The year was 1994. This quilt is tied and torn. I keep it to remind me of where, I came from. I even liked green back then. Funny, huh?

Today, I am working along on a couple of different blocks. Here is a Scrappy Log Cabin. Not done yet. Two inch logs.A good stash buster.Creams for the lights and whatever.. I pull from the two inch noodle drawer.

Will, I have a cabin by the end of the day?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reasons to be Happy!

We have Tickets!!!!

Summer School for my DD is over. She managed to loose her bus privilege. Grr! So, in my book that first D is for dumb. For the last week, we have carted her back and forth. Needless to say, I am disappointed in her choices. She is almost 18 not 10...

I feel like today is the first day of my new life!

This is the mortgage lifter! It is huge.

I am off to sew! Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Living the Dream

After, much thought and careful consideration... I am taking my little home based business in a new direction. My  girls do not seem to be interested in learning, what is my head. (This makes me sad.) But, maybe they will learn something.( Crossing my fingers and knocking on wood at the same time.)

Eventually, I want a Sewing / Quilting Academy. A place where people can gather, learn, and laugh.Complete with a Retreat Center maybe, a quilt shop. If, I were a millionaire..I would just build it. But , I am not. "Scrap!".... I say.

Now, for the part that takes nerves of steel....Change. Scary to me. So, I will start small. Still out of my house. Our old garage is my quilt room. People can come take lessons (quilting or sewing) Cheap. I think, lessons are over priced in my area.

They can try out my Bailey and just have fun.
Learn to make pajama pants for Xmas presents.Or a quilt?
Learn to hem their own pants. (Save $$$)

This all may be a pipe dream but, it is my pipe dream! lol!
Wait, until my hubby sees his To-Do list. It is more than placing an ad!

Lets see if, I can have it all!

Wish me Luck!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Monday!

I went to Joann's yesterday. While the hubby went to the local home improvement store. I don't really like going to the home improvement store and he doesn't like Joann's ...Good compromise...right?

I shopped for my secret pal over on the Quilting Board. I can't show you, what I bought her, yet. No peeking!  That is the Rule.

I did shop for a swap that Amy of Amy's Passions twisted my arm to join. LOL! Not really.
 And, I bought this pattern.
The Maxi dress. I am thinking about the yellow one, not the color, the style. I have to measures myself (yikes!) Garment sewing, runs different than buying off the rack. I always, have to alter the length. I didn't buy the fabric, yet. What do I have at home?????
Off to the shower! 
That is after weeding and watering.

Have a Great Day!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy Saturday!

The coffee is brewing. I am sewing.. today! The last couple of days have been a bust. Look at the block , I received in the mail. Thanks BRT! Isn't it lovely? 
Here is the block, I sent her.

Fabric from Connecting Threads and the block pattern is from Quilters Cache. I love this block!

Wanna see Kansas.. now? ( 20 years.. later) They are older but, still sound the same.

Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dog Days!

Yup! Steamy is the word of the day! Another hot day.. here. Near 90 degrees...  yahoo! Gardens watered.

Off to the Sweatshop! It needs to be cleaned ...again. No butler in sight! Derek, where are you?LOL!

We all have our tongues hanging out  today! Hah! Hah!

Kansas Tonight! Yahoo!
Kansas (band)Image via Wikipedia

Have a Great Day!
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back to Business..Soon

Now, that I have figured out to upload music from U tube. Your in trouble. I am a big music head! This is my NEW theme song. Every time I hear it, I smile.When people upset me, they make my List... For this song. You can't change people, so just Pray For Them, right? Jaron is gonna be huge!

Hubby and I, are buying tickets to REO Speed Wagon and Pat Benatar at CMAC! I am so excited ! Where is my 80's hair? Just kidding...That teasing is not good for your hair! I am really excited, though!
Constellation Brands Marvin Sands Performing A...Image via Wikipedia

Have a Great Day!

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Fourteen Years Ago, Today !

I was working hard at finishing my wedding gown. I wasn't getting married until 6pm. Plenty of time. Yeah, that was a little nuts! I was young.

I made all these, too. In a matter of weeks, not months. Jeff and I met, March 3, 1996.That is Stacey's birthday. (The girl on the far left.) Were engaged a few months.. later. Those are my girls next to me. I still can't believe it. Pictures don't lie.
I was not a Bridezilla.The girls picked their own dresses. The guys wore black jeans and cowboy boots. The two guys on the left, they are Jeff's sons. ( No they DO NOT call me, Mom.) I would kick them in the pants!
Jeff Jr. is 37 and Barret (second from the left ) is 34 and I am 40. Now you understand why, I would kick them? I can't be your Mommy! lol~!

Here is our song. Listen to the words.From the movie "Pure Country."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Open Sesame !

My little footlocker is packed full.
There is a ton of stuff in here.The doll in yellow sat on my bed as a little girl.
Strawberry Shortcake was probably one of my first sewing projects.
The Indian doll was played with often. Pocahontas, I believe. My second daughter is named Rebecca, and if you know anything about Pocahontas her American name, is Rebecca. My daughter, was not suppose to be named Rebecca but, when I saw her...She didn't look like the name, we picked out for her.So, I changed it. (Without my ex-husbands permission.) I probably, knew then, that marriage was over. I was just not ready, to admit it.My first daughter is named Jessica so I guess I had a thing for "cca."
The little sweater, bonnet , and afghan are crocheted.We brought my daughters home in those.

Now, under all this are the teenage years.My Parents always encouraged us to volunteer.When I was 15 or so, I joined an Explorer Post. This probably saved me from making really poor choices. I was really railed on as a teen, being 6' tall at the age of thirteen. Kids in my hometown are mean. Maybe, because people in my hometown have money. I really don't know. Do not pick on a country girl!!! She will get even!

Now, at age forty, I am comfortable with myself. I can quickly, tell them where to go and how to get there.All with a smile on my face!
Wanna see some old pictures!

1984~ Eww... checkout the Tube sox!

This is my high school graduation. A year early. I may be polish but, I am not! The funny thing is I walked across this stage again in, 2008.  Which brings me to my thoughts... now. What to do? My kids don't really need me much, anymore.They were my focus for so long.
Do I continue with the seamstress thing or use my degree? Go back to school? Sigh...These decisions are exhausting.
I will probably end up doing both.Work outside my house and run my business.
I really do believe, we can do it all!

Have a Great Day!