Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

Blogger still looks weird to me. I am missing my font button. Where did that go?

The top picture is a mini quilt for a swap.

The bottom picture is some fabric I received yesterday from Thousands of Bolts...and Only One Nut. You can check them out HERE. I love that place. They are fast and efficient.

We just returned from the "Tax Man." Yuck! Our tax man is rather good looking. He has the most beautiful blue eyes. This eases my pain a bit. Although, I really have to try hard not to stare. :)My hubby just chuckles about this.

I need to get busy on my Quilt Alongs.I have two, I am currently working on.Hopefully,I can show you the progress Wednesday. Off to the sewing room...still thinking about those " Baby Blues."

Have a good one!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Giveaway Winner / Monday Madness

The Giveaway Winner has an Email from me! Thanks to Sandi for hosting. It was a neat way to meet new people.

I have a few pictures to share but, Blogger is not playing nice. I will try again later.

Both my mens teams lost. Syracuse and Cornell...Sigh...
My womens team lost too Tennessee.....Double Sigh....

On a Happy Note -Baseball starts this week....Go Yankees!!!!!

I will be back later when Blogger wants to play nice!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Eggs Giveaway

Yes Elly, You are a Good Dog! If you are near Auburn, NY on Saturday from 12-4pm we will be there. Stop by Petco and visit the ABC (All Bassets Cherished) information table to get a kiss from Elly.

On to the Giveaway! This Giveaway Consist of a few of my favorite things.



A cute little stuffed dog. (Not a basset but, close enough.)

Clover flower Yo-Yo maker. I love this thing.

All you have to do is leave a comment. Simple right? I will draw the winner Monday morning.

To visit more Good Eggs and check out their giveaways click HERE. Happy Spring and Good Luck!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Monday!

A Finish! Carolina Crossroads is complete. A mystery from Bonnie Hunter. I decided not to do borders on this piece because, I wanted to use the leftover blues for My Blue Heaven . See previous post.

It is a dreary day here in western NY. I am not complaining. It could look like this picture of Potsie. No Thank- You!!! I have had enough of that. " Say No to Snow" that is my motto. : )

Camden is thinking about touching something! He is just TOO cute. He does keep this Grandma on high alert.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Tiny Break from my WIP

I am making a bazillion of these blocks.

For the final border on this quilt. A UFO that has spent way too much time in the closet. The pattern is available HERE.
Yesterday, I was blog browsing. I clicked on Victoria's blog and she needs some help. So, I decided it was the break, I needed. I made her the blocks bellow. You can read all about her efforts Here.

Can you help her by making a block or two?
Homelessness is a growing problem. Probably now more than ever. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scrap Happy is a Top!

I couldn't lay it totally flat without moving furniture. 70 nine patches and two days to assemble. The fabrics vary from every holiday to Sponge Bob. Now, I am off to the stash to find backing and binding fabrics.