Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday

For more information about Pink Saturday please visit Beverly Here. This weeks theme is Love. I am going to show you a little love, something pink, and something that might just make you chuckle.

Here are some flowers hubby bought while shopping yesterday. Yes, he does the shopping! I don't care to shop but he loves it . That is love right?

Here is your something pink. "Smile for your picture Miss Elly" and this is what I got. That's okay she made me smile.

Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!


meandering pearl said...

Happy Pink Saturday!!! the last photo made me smile too :) kindest wishes

Abby Lanes said...

Oh my goodness... your bassethound is the cutest thing on the planet! I have always wanted a basset, and recently I got a call about rescuing a basset (mix.) Picture this... mom 100% basset, dad (basset pug.) LOL! She's a four month old cutie. Anyway, I didn't mean to forget Pink Saturday, but your dog is precioius. Happy Valentine's Day! ❤

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

~ Gabriela ~

Maggie said...

The flowers are beautiful! (and the dog is adorable!) happy Pink!

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

I love Miss Elly's smile!! How cute is she.
Happy Valentine's Day! xo Tami

Betty said...

Happy Pink Valentine's day. Your dog and your hubby are both sweeties!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, Lori... she is SO cute! My niece had a basset hound when she was small (Archie), and he was the best ever. My cousin had one, too, Sarge! :-)

Your flowers are sweet and what a sweet husband to bring you lovely roses AND shop!

Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day, too!


Sheila :-)

The Muse said...

i adore ms elly :) all the hounds here say a warm hello!

Anne Fannie said...

OK, your Basset Hound is cute! BUT everytime I see one I remember 15 years ago one bit my nose off! I had to have plastic surgery to have it put all back together, can't even tell now that it was ever off.... except my memory vision of that black nose, very very close! LOL
Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine Day!

Patricia said...

Aren't dogs wonderful!
Happy Valentine's To You ! I hope you are having a wonderful
celebration on this day of Pink and Red and all things of
Pretty Romance. Happy Pink Saturday !!! and have a lovely
new week.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Love the flowers and the dog!

Anonymous said...

How precious your Miss Elly is...and your DH :)

Jeanne said...

Lucky you to have your hubby do the grocery shopping. Love that he brought roses.
Look at that sweet fur ball face. Your are right, doggy love is true love for sure.