I walked away yesterday, hoping when I walked back in, I could make a decision. No, I couldn't. The weather seemed to be a deterrent. It was 70 degrees here in western NY. This will not last long. Miss Elly, Mitzie and I went out and played ball. Some things do interrupt my quilting plans.**giggle**
What color do you think would look best?
I am imagining a cinnamon brown color - like the petals on your flowers on your blog template. Or use the same color as you used in the background of the kitties - muslin?
Thanks for stopping by my blog today....and are those pieces that you will be making into a quilt??? BEAUTIFUL!!
hmmm.......how about a pink?
I like that teal color----is it teal?
*looking closer*
Okay....let me re-define "pink"
Maybe try to match that rose color with a nice, rich burgandy???
I think they need a border in between. They would pop out better. I'm a sucker for popping...
huh? What am I trying to say? Who knows.
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